Friday, January 28, 2005

Target of the Week (28/1 - 4/2)

The only way to success is plan. Have you ever heard about
Fail To Plan, then Plan to Fail.
Maknanya, kalau kita gagal merancang sebaik2nya, maka kita akan gagal untuk mencapai apa yang diimpikan.

So, apa perancangan aku sepanjang minggu nih hingga bertemu jumaat depan?

Esok of course nak berjalan bersama suami and anakanda terchenta, so spend masa bersama mereka tapi petang after asar or magrib, have to go to the office, required by third supervisor = my beloved hubby. Hehehe…

Tapi ada le tuh…tak yah tulis kat sini kut secara detail
Tapi cadang nak buat minggu nih and musti target siap!!!!

• Analysis the different between affine and projective transformation (do programming and listing value to analyse)
• Check the meaning of dF/dc
• Read and critic paper of colour and blur invariant
• Read and critic paper of velocity movement invariant
• Do correction Chapter 3 (compulsory) and chapter 4 (if have time)

Hehehe…kak niza, I couldn’t remember your objective of the week, but I do hope we are really going to make this great job done! Ameeen…

### Dari ALLAH kita datang, kepada ALLAH jua kita kembali, maka apakah bekalan utk kita tunjukkan padaNYA, adakah ianya bekalan yang baik atau buruk? ###


A good advice / story for today

Today is Friday. At 9-12 am, my friend, Sister Aniza and I usually discuss about our research and arguing each other in a way to make ourselves really understand about what we really doing to do with our research. We both now pursuing our studies for PhD but we both are not in the same research group. However, we both deal with image and that is why we ought that we might sit together to improve our knowledge.

After discussing about our research, Sister Aniza told me a story about her research mate, T. This guy was very smart. The way he did his research is by understanding journal. A few journals but he really understands them in details. It is because from there we might critic and then starts to think in another way round from the author’s point of view, which then also leads us to do new contribution to the world of knowledge.

Well, it is very hard to get an idea about new things or new contribution to the world. Just imagine you have to learn lots and lost and lots of new thing. You even should be strong with the fundamentals of your research area, and then it might be easier to you to come up with a new idea that none of human being has doing in what you wanted to do.

Well the keyword is a new contribution to the world. That was the target to get a PhD. Sounds like simple but very difficult and tedious and need lot of motivation. And the most problem that researcher deals with is time. However, as people are different from each other, we might have a special time to study. For example, I like studying when I got mood, usually early morning or at night. So T said, study base on your time as people are different from each other. He then told sister Aniza, his own experience when he first came to Soton, thinking of doing paper as all his research mate starts writing paper. The only problem was, what I’m going to write?

And T starts to change himself by his own way of studying. No need to follow other people. However, I would like to say that T is really a systematic guy. He know what to do and what to focus. It makes his own life easier. I do believe the key of success is
1) plan or set goals what you want to achieve.
2) Identify, what problem you got and try to solve.
3) Lastly, be yourself! Coz you have your own problem, and you have to deal with your own problem!


Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Perancanganku hari ini (18/01/2005)

Ya ALLAH, berikan daku kekuatan dan kesungguhan utk melaksanakan perintahMu dan targetku. Ya ALLAH, berikan daku kejayaan dalam reviva nanti. Ameen...

Target hari ini;
10.00-11.00 - report chapter 3
11.00-12.30 - draf projection and affine transformation
12.30-1.00 - fourier series
1.00 - 2.30 - solat and al-quran
3.00 - 3.30 - recap soalan exam

6.00-8.00 - moment invariant
8.00-10.00 - calculus
10.00-12.00 - stuart thesis

### Dari ALLAH kita datang, kepada ALLAH jua kita kembali, maka apakah bekalan utk kita tunjukkan padaNYA, adakah ianya bekalan yang baik atau buruk? ###

My Soul?

Saje suka2? tapi macam ada kaitkan dengan diriku...
apa pon jua, nampaknya kena usaha lebih utk memperbaiki diri, sesuatu yang bukan mudah tau!

You Are a Retrospective Soul

The most misunderstood of all the soul signs.
Sometimes you even have difficulty seeing yourself as who you are.
You are intense and desire perfection in every facet of your life.
You're best described as extremely idealistic, hardworking, and a survivor.

Great moments of insight and sensitivity come to you easily.
But if you aren't careful, you'll ignore these moments and repeat past mistakes.
For you, it is difficult to seperate the past from the present.
You will suceed once you overcome the disappoinments in life.

Souls you are most compatible with: Traveler Soul and Prophet Soul

### Dari ALLAH kita datang, kepada ALLAH jua kita kembali, maka apakah bekalan utk kita tunjukkan padaNYA, adakah ianya bekalan yang baik atau buruk? ###

Sunday, January 02, 2005

Selamat Datang 2005

Weehh...dah tahun baru....apa yang ko dah capai and apa yang belum
memang aaa adakalanya benda yang kita inginkan tahun sudah tak dapat dicapai
tapi mesti ada hikmah di sebalik sesuatu kan?
ingat, ALLAH tak suka hambaNya berputus asa, and selamat meneruskan hidup, berusahalah kerana ALLAH TAALA semata2 dan juga Islam yang suci

### Dari ALLAH kita datang, kepada ALLAH jua kita kembali, maka apakah bekalan utk kita tunjukkan padaNYA, adakah ianya bekalan yang baik atau buruk? ###