Saturday, December 25, 2004
macam2 rasanya nak buat
Emm... bagi nih rasa cam nak buat macam2...
tapi better aku list down what really i would like to achieve.
1) make sure all questions in coursework 3 is finished by today!!!
2) making exercise of matlab's programming - please use picture of people instead of others dr petunjuk!
3) study about PDE - make summary of equations.
i think that will do for today...
err..just trying to upload my son's picture...i wonder it could be displayed.
tapi better aku list down what really i would like to achieve.
1) make sure all questions in coursework 3 is finished by today!!!
2) making exercise of matlab's programming - please use picture of people instead of others dr petunjuk!
3) study about PDE - make summary of equations.
i think that will do for today...
err..just trying to upload my son's picture...i wonder it could be displayed.

Friday, December 24, 2004
Graphs of lines and circle.
Graphs of lines and circle.
Hari nih menyempat ulangkaji pasal line graphs and circle graph. Aku pi rujuk site nih…
his explanation was quite interesting yet understandable.
A brief about what I have read for line graph
Sometimes, when we are judging about lines, it is better to know, whether the lines are parallel or perpendicular? But how?
First we must know the slope of both lines (say m1 and m2)which we can calculate those by subtracting two point of y-axis (which you call as rise) and divided with the subtraction of two point from x-axis (which you call as run), which we write as follows;
m1 = y2-y1/x2-x1 = rise/run
ok, how to know whether the lines are parallel or perpendicular? It’s easy , just by calculating such as
1) for parallel , m1 = m2
2) for perpendicular, m1=-1/m2
However, there are also another way to detect whether the lines are perpendicular or parallel by using vector. Hope I got time to explain those in a few days from now.
Ok, cam ne pulak ngan circle graph?
Circle graph? Err… does it has relationship with the above explanation?
Pretty much , there is , a bit, I think so!
What do you know about circle? Well, for sure it shapes are round, but how about the distance from the centre till the boundary? Should be all the same , right?
The distance, d can be calculated as follows,
d = ((x2-x1)^2+(y2-y1)^2)^1/2
(note that ^ means power)
However, since the distance from the centre point till the boundary are equal, thus we can rewrite the distance as;
d = ((x-h)^2+(y-k)^2)^1/2
Assuming that the centre point are (h,k). Just to make life easier, we sometimes need to know four strategic point to draw a circle which are shown as follows;
1) the most right point : (h+r,k)
2) the most top point : (h,k+r)
3) the most left point : (h-r,k)
4) the most bottom point: (h,k-r)
just to add somethings which a just read about ,
composition function means you use a function as a variable into the function, such as, say you have f(z)= z^2 and g(z)=z+2
so composition function of f(z) should be written as f(g(z))=(z+2)^2.
Hari nih menyempat ulangkaji pasal line graphs and circle graph. Aku pi rujuk site nih…
his explanation was quite interesting yet understandable.
A brief about what I have read for line graph
Sometimes, when we are judging about lines, it is better to know, whether the lines are parallel or perpendicular? But how?
First we must know the slope of both lines (say m1 and m2)which we can calculate those by subtracting two point of y-axis (which you call as rise) and divided with the subtraction of two point from x-axis (which you call as run), which we write as follows;
m1 = y2-y1/x2-x1 = rise/run
ok, how to know whether the lines are parallel or perpendicular? It’s easy , just by calculating such as
1) for parallel , m1 = m2
2) for perpendicular, m1=-1/m2
However, there are also another way to detect whether the lines are perpendicular or parallel by using vector. Hope I got time to explain those in a few days from now.
Ok, cam ne pulak ngan circle graph?
Circle graph? Err… does it has relationship with the above explanation?
Pretty much , there is , a bit, I think so!
What do you know about circle? Well, for sure it shapes are round, but how about the distance from the centre till the boundary? Should be all the same , right?
The distance, d can be calculated as follows,
d = ((x2-x1)^2+(y2-y1)^2)^1/2
(note that ^ means power)
However, since the distance from the centre point till the boundary are equal, thus we can rewrite the distance as;
d = ((x-h)^2+(y-k)^2)^1/2
Assuming that the centre point are (h,k). Just to make life easier, we sometimes need to know four strategic point to draw a circle which are shown as follows;
1) the most right point : (h+r,k)
2) the most top point : (h,k+r)
3) the most left point : (h-r,k)
4) the most bottom point: (h,k-r)
just to add somethings which a just read about ,
composition function means you use a function as a variable into the function, such as, say you have f(z)= z^2 and g(z)=z+2
so composition function of f(z) should be written as f(g(z))=(z+2)^2.
semata2 nak tgk kartun....
Semalam...azzam menagis2 minta dibukakan vcd alif baa taa. tapi aku nak tengok cite kartun, mr incredible, walaupon kami masing2 sebenarnya dah berulangkali tengok vcd alif baa taa and also kartun mr incredible tuh.....
and secara mengelatnya aku asyik kata kat dia , sabar nak...sabar... sbb aku nak tgk kartun jugak while azzam still nak tgk vcd alif baa taa dia tuh buat kali ke 100 gamaknya...
Entah macam mana pc boleh hang....nyampah btul, so terpaksa le aku tutup pc tuh. ingat malas nak on kan, tapi suddenly si azzam datang dekat sambil pukul2 umminya peha, dia bleh kata apa tau?
sekaligus membuatkan aku tergelak...dah pandai nyebut tipu dah anak aku sorang bleh cam pulak umminya nak tipu dia semata2 nak tgk kartun...
aku insap kejap...and then terus pasangkan vcd aliff baa taa dia pastu pujuk dia sbb dia menangis teresak2 ummi tipu dia,...
maafkan ummi sayang....
and secara mengelatnya aku asyik kata kat dia , sabar nak...sabar... sbb aku nak tgk kartun jugak while azzam still nak tgk vcd alif baa taa dia tuh buat kali ke 100 gamaknya...
Entah macam mana pc boleh hang....nyampah btul, so terpaksa le aku tutup pc tuh. ingat malas nak on kan, tapi suddenly si azzam datang dekat sambil pukul2 umminya peha, dia bleh kata apa tau?
sekaligus membuatkan aku tergelak...dah pandai nyebut tipu dah anak aku sorang bleh cam pulak umminya nak tipu dia semata2 nak tgk kartun...
aku insap kejap...and then terus pasangkan vcd aliff baa taa dia pastu pujuk dia sbb dia menangis teresak2 ummi tipu dia,...
maafkan ummi sayang....
Thursday, December 23, 2004
Tindakan Esok
aku dah terpk dah apa yang bakal dibuat esok.
cadangnya nak baca paper. tapi sebab aku tak bape reti nak critique paper orang lain , so tindakan aku esok ialah mencari siapakah researcher yang cite paper depa..and then bleh tiru skit apa ayat yang diorang kritik kat paper yang aku baca tuh,.....hehehhe
harap menjadi ler...
cadangnya nak baca paper. tapi sebab aku tak bape reti nak critique paper orang lain , so tindakan aku esok ialah mencari siapakah researcher yang cite paper depa..and then bleh tiru skit apa ayat yang diorang kritik kat paper yang aku baca tuh,.....hehehhe
harap menjadi ler...
Hahhaa...suka2 atie aje nak eja tak bape betul...patut tulis keinsafan bukan keinsapan
ceh...apa punya student tulis tak bape betul...nak kena marah nih!
Well... aku tak nak tulis pepanjang...
nak tulis hari nih aku target apa
and sebelum mata ku terlolap buat malam nih, aku kena report pada diriku sendiri....tentang apa yang aku dah capai and apa yang belum and apa yang nak dibuat esok hari.
hopefully this really helps me to improve myself!! amin...
ok...cadangan target aku pada hari ini ialah
1. buat programming matlab - dah buat dah tadi... pasal imshow and imagesc. hakikatnya tak dak pembaharuan, just looking at the difference between those code. and dah catit dalam buku baru...buku khas beb...spesifik pasal programming aku tuh...sbb lepas nih byk lagi yang perlu aku belajar..and musti konsisten tau tak!!!
sbb pe kena konsistent? Sbb ALLAH suka kalau kita buat keje yang baik and konsistent...sikit pon tak pa,...asalkan konsistent!
2. baiki report - utk baiki, aku tulis guna LaTeX. In progress...ambik masa skit utk catit mende2 nih...
3.apa lagi?..opss..maths...aku target nak siapkan coursework.
4. lagi?? baca paper! pasal feature mapping invariant.
5. aku nak kerjakan matrix, kalau malas, buat le PDE, atau pon summary of FEIP...hehehe (rahsia)
moga hari nih lebih baik dari hari semalam.........
ceh...apa punya student tulis tak bape betul...nak kena marah nih!
Well... aku tak nak tulis pepanjang...
nak tulis hari nih aku target apa
and sebelum mata ku terlolap buat malam nih, aku kena report pada diriku sendiri....tentang apa yang aku dah capai and apa yang belum and apa yang nak dibuat esok hari.
hopefully this really helps me to improve myself!! amin...
ok...cadangan target aku pada hari ini ialah
1. buat programming matlab - dah buat dah tadi... pasal imshow and imagesc. hakikatnya tak dak pembaharuan, just looking at the difference between those code. and dah catit dalam buku baru...buku khas beb...spesifik pasal programming aku tuh...sbb lepas nih byk lagi yang perlu aku belajar..and musti konsisten tau tak!!!
sbb pe kena konsistent? Sbb ALLAH suka kalau kita buat keje yang baik and konsistent...sikit pon tak pa,...asalkan konsistent!
2. baiki report - utk baiki, aku tulis guna LaTeX. In progress...ambik masa skit utk catit mende2 nih...
3.apa lagi?..opss..maths...aku target nak siapkan coursework.
4. lagi?? baca paper! pasal feature mapping invariant.
5. aku nak kerjakan matrix, kalau malas, buat le PDE, atau pon summary of FEIP...hehehe (rahsia)
moga hari nih lebih baik dari hari semalam.........
Coretan Keempat….
Coretan Keempat….
Masih lagi dengan image analysis…
Lupa nak bagi tau yang aku rujuk buku
Title : Practical algorithms for image analysis
Author : Michael Seul, Lawrence O’gorman and Michael J. Sammon
Chapter 2 – Global Image analysis
Apa bab nih cite? Well, mostly it describe about the global operations for image analysis. So, what is global operation?
Global operation = an operation that can perform an equivalent manner to the whole pixels in the image. Here, the operation might reflect the statistics calculation of all pixels of may be independent of the pixel values in an image.
Local operation = operation that performed on a pixel with respect to its own value and neighbours.
Pastu apa lagi?...cite aaa…
Err..maleh pulak nak taip
Cit! angat2 taik ayam tul!!!
Masih lagi dengan image analysis…
Lupa nak bagi tau yang aku rujuk buku
Title : Practical algorithms for image analysis
Author : Michael Seul, Lawrence O’gorman and Michael J. Sammon
Chapter 2 – Global Image analysis
Apa bab nih cite? Well, mostly it describe about the global operations for image analysis. So, what is global operation?
Global operation = an operation that can perform an equivalent manner to the whole pixels in the image. Here, the operation might reflect the statistics calculation of all pixels of may be independent of the pixel values in an image.
Local operation = operation that performed on a pixel with respect to its own value and neighbours.
Pastu apa lagi?...cite aaa…
Err..maleh pulak nak taip
Cit! angat2 taik ayam tul!!!